Hope for the Community

Day 8: Monday, 11 November 2013

by Alan Yeo


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"'Robots' refer to 'traffic lights' in South Africa," explained Karen, our highly enthused guide from the Living Hope Ministry. This is an example of the linguistic difference in the usage of terms that we may be familiar with. This would be our last day in Cape Town before flying out the next morning. Despite our tight schedule, we were looking forward to our visit to Living Hope Ministry. Our first stop was Living Care, the medical ministry of Living Hope that provides the holistic medical treatment to some 20 patients. Originally established as a hospice to enable AIDS patients to die with dignity, it was later converted into a hospital when the survival rate of these AIDS patients increased, as medication to be meticulously administered on a regular basis was made available. It was an amazing feat for Living Hope as their hospital was recently recognised as one of the top three hospitals in Africa for their high standard of quality of care.



Our next stop was the township of Masiphumelele which means "we shall succeed" in Xhosa. Masiphumelele was formerly an illegal squatter settlement with many living in shacks. Living Hope Ministry had certainly left its imprints on the community of Masiphumelele. Pastor John Thomas, the Founder of Living Hope had come to their defence when the government wanted to evict the community of squatters. Living Hope continues to make a difference in the community through their ministries such as Living Right that seeks to prevent the spread of chronic illnesses and Living Grace that provides practical help to the homeless and reach out to substance abusers. We had a glimpse of the living conditions when we walked down a street to a river stream that flows through the neighbourhood. The river was strewn with garbage emitting a foul stench, as dwellers would dump their wastewater into the river. Living Hope endeavours to persuade government officials to clean up the river and transform their environment.


For most of us, the main highlight of the day was visiting their agricultural farm that innovates and provides training to sustainably empower people to provide for their daily necessities. Rows of tomatoes were grown in bags of sawdust with nutrient solution added to them. In a few weeks time, they would be harvesting their tomatoes. We were indeed blessed to see the influence and impact that Living Hope has on their community.


It has been the most amazing trip for the Peacemakers on the Road and what a privilege it was to participate in God's redemptive story of South Africa! From Johannesburg to Cape Town, from Acres of Love to Living Hope, we are overwhelmed by God's divine grace and goodness throughout the entire trip!



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